Etiqueta: pop

The Past & Future of Dance Music Styles

With the popularity of electronic dance music and the increased accessibility of technology more and more people are learning to express themselves and their talents through electronic music. These new producers submit their creations for all the world to see in hopes of becoming one of the next big names in the industry.

The motivation to keep pushing through failures and keep fighting for success can make even a mediocre person extraordinary.


The story continues

Sadly, sometimes being noticed with such a large influx of new producers can be difficult and a lot of people make some very common mistakes that keep them from reaching their goal. In the following article we will go through 5 of the biggest mistakes new producers make when trying to reach stardom and how you can avoid them.

  1. Lack of a unique style. So many producers now sound like cookie-cutter clones of already popular artists. I cannot express how important it is to stand out of the crowd. To have someone hear your music for the first time and say, “I’ve never heard anything like this before,” is huge.
  2. Lack of social media. Surprisingly some producers don’t use social media or only use a limited number of social media outlets. Social media is one of the most important tools if you know how to use it correctly.
  3. Charging people for your music. A lot of new producers seem to run into a problem with this one. Everyone wants to make a quick buck or two and as soon as they get the option to post their music exclusively on Beatport, iTunes, etc. they quickly take that option.

No drive. As cliche as it sounds, if you want something you have to go get it. Share and talk about your music with everyone you can. Network with as many people as possible. Post your music on forums, EDM blogs, and any website possible. Just keep that drive everyday, all day. The motivation to keep pushing through failures and keep fighting for success can make even a mediocre person extraordinary. The sad truth is a lot of producers just don’t want it bad enough.
Fight for it.

The Answer to Making Your Own Professional Dance Music – Create Your Own Beats

Are you interested in making custom dance music? Most of the information on the internet will tell you that in order to create dance beats yourself, you will need a professional recording studio which costs many thousands of dollars, but that is definitely not the case now.

Although it is beneficial if you have a recording studio and many years of background experience in music production, the truth is that it is not the only way to make dance music. There are other options available that allow you to make amazing dance tracks just like the stuff you hear on the television and radio which have been made by professionals.

The way to make this happen is through the use of a brand new groundbreaking piece of software that can aid you in the creative process of making your own dance beats easily and quickly.

Be aware that if your background is not in this genre, it can be difficult to make music that sounds good or to even learn the software in general.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though, because that is not the case with this software…

One piece of software that was recently made available shows you step by step how to make your own dance music with ease. The best part is that both professionals and absolute beginners can benefit from this unique program.

A lot of people are even making there own professional music beats with this software and selling them online, which is also perfectly legal as though they were the ones that created the music, so there is no copyright worries etc.

The Death of Dance Music? Get Over Yourself

Time and Time again, one of my friends will say to me, “You’re still listening to Dance Music? When are you going to grow out of that, there hasn’t been anything new in years?”… Me: “No, you haven’t heard anything new in years”.

“And listen to what?” I always say. “That crap you have in your glove box?”

I run into people and friends all the time that “Used to” listen to Dance Music, and claim knowledge of the most popular and listened genre of music in the world, but in all reality, they just really jumped a bandwagon at the time the radio was playing a lot of C and C Music Factory, Black Box, KLF, Pet Shop Boys, and every Top 40 artist had to have a “Club Mix” and thought that they were in “The scene” for a time period.

Then radio moved on to the “next big thing” and like sheep, they went with it, or reverted back to what they were listening to before. The fact of the matter is, Radio, MTV, and other mainstream outlets play what image they think they can sell you, not what’s really good, or popular. They create popularity. That is their business.

The Death of Dance Music has been predicted by one writer or another over the last 25 years and it always makes me laugh. Some of the same guys, (and gals) that were hitting the clubs in the 90’s, wearing their best Z-Cavaricci’s, Cham’s, Polo’s, Alexander Julian Shirts, Roots Shoes, Baby Doll Mini’s, Coach Bags, and “Jacked up” on enough Cocaine to stimulate the GNP of Bolivia, are now the same writers and “haters” that lost touch with what is going on, had a kid or 2, sobered up, and since it wasn’t on the radio anymore, and assumed that everyone stopped listening, and continued to be force fed the same 40 songs as everyone else in the country, until you heard it enough times, that familiarity tricked you into believing that you liked it.

Nothing, as we all know, nothing could be further from the truth but I always get a kick out of my friends and associates that don’t give any respect to the form, and pull out an old Megadeath, Journey, or Phil Collins TAPE, and say, “See now, this was the good stuff”

I have been listening to House, and Techno/Trance since the beginning, and not only is the old ground breaking stuff still able to hold it’s own on any dance floor, but it has evolved and gotten better over the years and has spread around the world like an infectious plague, and planted a flag firmly in the culture of most every civilized society on the planet. I love it when I play something from “back in the day” and somebody in my car will say, “Hey , I like that new stuff you’re playing…Who is that?”. And I’ll say something like, “Um, that’s Todd Terry with Martha Wash…it’s 10 years old”

3 Tips On How To Make Your Own Hot Dance Music

We all have some things we’d like. A lot of people have things they need to achieve or do. With a few people it’s something they wish to own or to have. Often it is learning how you can do something or perhaps be something which we want.

Maybe, as an example, you want to make your own dance music. A lot of people want that, and it’s not hard to accomplish once you learn how to. The next few paragraphs can guide you to reach your goal and make your own dance music. If you want to find out how to make your own dance music in a few simple steps, keep reading.

The 1st step is to have the desire and want to be creative. You need to do this because without desire most dreams will not be pursued. It will be vital that you avoid any negative influences that may bring you down and stop the flow of creativity.

It’s going to be important to finish this 1st step carefully, carrying it out completely, properly and well. If you do not then a poor effort will be the result in creating your own dance music.

Step number 2 would be you will need some music production knowledge. What you should avoid here is not taking some time to learn more about music production, You can take classes and the internet can provide you with a wealth of knowledge to get started.

Your 3rd and final step will be music production studio software. The reason this will be significant is the fact that you can create your own dance music on your computer, burn it to a CD and start producing dance music quickly. What will be important to avoid is spending a lot money to get started, Well here is the best part, There is software available that can show you how you can make your own hot dance music and the best thing about this software is it has been made for the complete beginner and for the professional. The software comes with tutorial videos to get you up and running in about 10 minutes, and is jammed pack with thousands of beats to choose from, so you will be able to make some great and unique dance tracks in a short period of time.

It’s best to follow all of the 3 steps carefully. Be sure to avoid the pitfalls and potential problems mentioned. You’ll be able to successfully avoid virtually all problems by carefully observing the problem warnings here.

When you set out to succeed in making your own hot dance music, by observing the above suggestions you’ll have very high chances of succeeding. Then you may pat yourself on the back! And enjoy every one of the rewards and benefits gained by your effective, well-directed efforts!

For additional information about this amazing software that can help you get started making your own dance music right from your computer go to:

All you need to do is load up the software and pick the style of music that you want to make and then it comes with loads of pre recorded beats so you can get started right away!